In the Jewish Lyceum № 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson celebrated the International Day of native language with a big marathon, which was called “Three native languages – one Motherland!”.
On International Mother Language Day, the whole world unites in the desire to preserve the diversity of languages,” Svetlana Romenskaya, head teacher of the Jewish Lyceum, told our website, – In honor of this day in our lyceum there was a special Language Marathon and today it was unusual, because our students are children of the Jewish community, for whom native languages are not only Ukrainian, but also Hebrew and English. The goal of the marathon was to show knowledge and ability to master these three languages, and our children were helped by their teachers: Dar’ya Barkova, Svitlana Chernishova, Olena Ilchenko, Olena Raskina.
In the junior school, within the framework of this marathon, pupils of 1-4 grades “pumped” their knowledge of the native Ukrainian language, traveling through the stations of the language quest “Podorozh kraynoyu slovo”, and senior pupils demonstrated their sociolinguistic abilities, performing tasks in Hebrew, Ukrainian and English.
“Mother tongue is not just a means of communication, it is a carrier of values, knowledge and cultural heritage that is passed from generation to generation and it is the foundation on which our identity is built”, – said the director of the Jewish Lyceum Elena Krasnova at the opening of the Marathon.