The Dnieper yeshiva named after Rabbi Levi Yitzhak Schneerson held a large children’s event for Yud Shvat Day with a quest, a farbrengen and the announcement of new rules for receiving ranks in the Tzivos Hashem system.
“The children really wanted to make the Rebbe as many gifts as possible and bring as much joy as possible for this significant day,” yeshiva teacher Rabbi David Vaskovsky told our website, “and we all know that the Rebbe is very pleased when children learn Jewish texts, know Jewish traditions, fulfill the commandments and their lives are spent in an atmosphere of unity, Yiddishkayt and illuminated by the light of Hasidism. And we tried our best to make this a reality.
At the beginning, all the kindergartners gathered in the auditorium, watched an inspirational Yud Shvat video and recited the 12 psukim, and then a large six-station quest was announced to celebrate the customs of the day of Yud Shvat.
At each station, the boys were given tasks, riddles and puzzles to complete, which would earn them a card, as a prize, describing an important Yud Shvat tradition. For example, at one of the stations it was necessary to assemble the parts of the weekly chapter “Beshalach” in the correct order to get a card with the custom of receiving the Aliyah to the Torah on the Saturday before Yud Shvat. At another station, one had to put together the lines from the Mishnah in the correct order to get the name of the Friedeke Rebbe. At the third station, one had to correctly line up passages from the maamar “Bosi LeGani”; at the fourth station, one had to make the correct donation, for tzedakah has a special significance on this day; at the fifth station, after watching a cartoon about the Rebbe’s life, one learned about the importance of telling about the Rebbe and Hasidism on this day. At the sixth and final station we had to decipher a cryptogram of flags and letters, and the resulting word would become a pass to fulfill another important custom of Yud Shvat – the Hasidic farbrengen.
This year Shabbat fell on Yud Shvat, so we celebrated before it came, on Thursday, and the kids still had time to continue preparing gifts for the Rebbe, so we postponed summarizing the results,” said David Vaskovsky, “at the Farbrengen we announced that the campaign continues and you can continue to learn the texts by heart until Monday, We also told about the new rules for receiving titles in “Tzivos Hashem” and about the first five established medals, but they were not awarded either, having decided to summarize the overall results in Tu Bi Shvat and then we will tell our website who distinguished himself and received awards for the best gift for the Rebbe”.