The Jewish Community of Dnieper with deep sorrow informs that the soul of Raya (Lilia Borisovna) Krasnobaeva, an activist of the women’s movement of the Jewish Community, left the material world untimely.
Farewell to Raya (Lilia Borisovna) Krasnobaeva will be held today, February 10, at 14:30 in the courtyard of the central synagogue “Golden Rose”.
The Jewish community of Dnipro and our website express their deepest condolences to the family and friends.
Baruch Dayan a’Emet! Blessed is the righteous Judge!
May Raya Krasnobaeva’s soul ascend to Gan Eden, may the Most High count her among the righteous, may He shelter her under the wings of His Shekhina, and may her memory be blessed.