Active meetings at JBBBS

The Jewish Big Brothers/Big Sisters (JBBBS) program continues to delight its participants with rich and fun activities. This time the kids spent their time actively and usefully – roller skating and conquering the ice arena!

One of the meetings was held at the rollerdrome, where the children enthusiastically learned to roller skate. They learned to keep their balance, laughed, supported each other and rejoiced at each new success. This is not only fun entertainment, but also a great training of coordination and self-confidence. “Such events unite and give moments that are memorable for a long time,” shared program manager Tatiana Kaplunskaya.

Another meeting was a real winter adventure – the guys went to the Ice City skating rink. It was especially pleasant to see new friends among the participants, because the JBBBS family is constantly growing. This time they were joined by volunteers of the Jewish student organization “Hillel Dnipro”, who helped children to be confident on the ice, overcome the fear of falling and get real pleasure from skating.

“JBBBS is not just a meeting, it is a space where children grow spiritually and physically, discover new opportunities, find friends and get unforgettable emotions,” the organizers say.