A program was organized for the junior high school girls of the Mahona Beis Haya Mushka for the Jubilee Yud Shvat – the 75th anniversary of a key event in Jewish life of our generation – the Day of the departure of the Previous Sixth Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, and the assumption of the title of Rebbe by Rabbi Menachem-Mendel Schneerson.
Our website was told about the Yud Shvat day by the Rebbe’s messenger, Mahon teacher Edna Yudovich: “The girls started their day in an unusual way. All the students gathered together to listen to Yom Yom and the explanation of the maamar ‘Bosi LeGani’. Then, after breakfast, everyone went to their classrooms to pray and write Panah – a letter to the Rebbe asking for a blessing.
Afterwards, the girls traveled through three stations: at one station, they made a bracelet that symbolized the connection between Hasidim and the Head of the generation; at another, they had to answer a question on the week’s theme, “Ahavat Yisrael,” and choose a box with a number, under which a prize lay; and at the third station, called “The Shop,” all the girls were able to choose prizes according to the points they received for studying the lines of the maamar “Bosi LeGani.”
At the conclusion of the program, all the participants were treated to a farbrengen, with Rabbi Moishe Leib Weber as the guest speaker. He told the girls about the essence of the day of the 10th of Shvat and a fascinating story connected with this day. At the end of the farbrengen all together, wearing pink gloves, played the game “Situations” – one of the girls read out a situation and two answers, and the girls had to choose the answer that corresponds to the commandment of Ahavat Yisrael.