“Or Shalom” launched the Men’s Club project.

Or Shalom” Psychological Assistance Center, working within the structure of YCC “Solomonika”, with the support of “Joint Ukraine”, started a new special program for middle-aged men. The initiative is aimed at creating a space of psychological comfort where men can discuss issues of concern to them and receive professional psychological support.

“This program has already shown its success and relevance, – the director of “Or Shalom” Natalia Medvedeva told our site, – men always experience high psychological loads, especially in such a difficult time as now, it is important for them to learn how to overcome stress, both related to external circumstances and to the processes of internal personal development. The creation of a specialized men’s club is our response to the growing need for psychological support for the male audience”.

Classes at the club are held weekly in the Or Shalom Center’s offices on the 16th floor of the Menorah Center, and are conducted by qualified psychologist Eugene Tereshchuk, who specializes in male psychology and group therapy. “Men often find it difficult to talk openly about their problems and experiences. Our club creates a trusting atmosphere where each participant can be heard and receive the necessary support,” says Evgeny Tereshchuk.

The Or Shalom Center is known for its comprehensive approach to psychological help and regularly launches new projects aimed at supporting different groups of people.

Those wishing to join the Men’s Club project can contact the Or Shalom Center for more information.