In the Jewish Lyceum of Dnieper № 144 named after Levi-Itzhak Shneerson the holiday Tu Bi Shvat – the New Year of Trees – has a long and wonderful tradition, established by the first head teachers of this educational institution – Larisa Anatolievna Kurylenko, Maria Godeevna Borisonnik and Anna Yakovlevna Kaplunskaya.
Continuing and developing these traditions and this year in the Jewish Lyceum were held numerous events, classes, contests and quests, designed to emphasize the inseparable connection of the Jewish people with the Land of Israel, to educate in children responsibility for environmental safety, for conscious behavior, both individual and group, before their families, community and society.
Tu Bi Shvat is a wonderful time to think about the importance of preserving nature and its treasures,” Svetlana Romenskaya, head teacher of the lyceum, told our website, on this day the children were offered original tasks and puzzles, connected with the history and traditions of the holiday, with great enthusiasm and interest the lyceum students got to the celebration, taking part in the exciting quest. Tu Bi Shvat at the lyceum is the holy day of union with nature and history”.