Bar Mitzvah

Coordinator – Deputy Secretary of the Beit Din – Rabbi Yitzhak Karshenbaum

[email protected]

Tel. +38 050 342 19 68

Address: Dnipro, Sholom Aleichem str. 4

This is one of the main Jewish holidays, which is not only awaited with excitement, but also carefully prepared for.
Literally from the Hebrew, “bar mitzvah” translates as “son of the commandment.”

According to Jewish law, a boy becomes an adult and responsible for his actions at the age of 13, and a girl at the age of 12. However, the basic understanding of becoming an adult is the ability of a person to accept the commandments of G-d and be responsible for their fulfillment. Before the bar/bat mitzvah, this responsibility is borne by the parents.

As a rule, a bar mitzvah is a big celebration where not only relatives and friends are invited, but also members of the community. There are two main acts in the bar mitzvah ceremony: the putting on of tefillin and the aliyah la torah (ascension, the call to the Torah).

To be called to the Torah to recite the blessings at its public reading in the congregation is a great honor bestowed upon one who makes a new religious commitment on the day of his adulthood.
Often parents are looking for an experienced mentor who will tell them and the child everything they and the child need to know before the bar mitzvah.

We will help you to prepare for the important day, as well as we will be happy to help directly in the organization of the holiday in all rules and traditions.