Bat Mitzvah

Coordinator – Deputy Secretary of the Beit Din – Rabbi Yitzhak Karshenbaum

[email protected]

Tel. +38 050 342 19 68

Address: Dnipro, Sholom Aleichem str. 4

Bat Mitzvah (from the Hebrew “bat” for “daughter” and “mitzvah” for “commandment”) is a Jewish rite of passage for girls, celebrated at the age of 12. It symbolizes a girl’s coming of age when she becomes a responsible member of the Jewish community and is obligated to fulfill the religious precepts and commandments.

Traditionally, Bat Mitzvah is accompanied by a solemn celebration.

This ritual commemorates the beginning of religious maturity, when a girl is obligated to follow certain commandments, such as observing Shabbat, kashrut and other obligations of the Jewish religion.

After the Bat Mitzvah, the girl becomes an adult member of the community, although she is not yet allowed to participate in certain male-only rituals, such as the minyan (prayer group). But the very moment of taking responsibility for observing the commandments is an important milestone in the life of a young Jewish girl.