Circumcision program

It is written in the Torah: “This is my covenant, which you shall keep between me and you, and between your offspring after you: every male of you shall be circumcised. Circumcise your foreskin, and it shall be a sign of the union between Me and you.”

This is the only commandment that the Torah calls a “sign of union” between G-d and the Jewish people.

In fact, the Torah mentions the word brit (union) thirteen times in connection with circumcision, so the word brit (or bris in Ashkenazic pronunciation) has become synonymous with circumcision.

Our Sages say that it is considered the greatest of all commandments.

The union between G-d and the Jewish people is so deep and significant that circumcision is performed at the earliest time in a boy’s life. The Torah tells us that it must take place on the eighth day after birth.

Carrying out the rite of Brit Milah (circumcision) is possible today within the framework of Jewish community activity with observance of all medical norms, rules of asepsis and antisepsis in cooperation with the medical center “JMC in Menorah”.

Proof of Jewishness on the maternal side according to halakha is a prerequisite.