Kindergartens and nurseries

Beit Zindlicht Children’s Educational Center
Director Risha Gurevich

Communal institution of pre-school education (nursery-kindergarten) 115 of Dnipro City Council

Director Natalia Proshchenko

Tel. +380 73 202 20 77 (reception)
Address: 98-g, A. Polya Ave, Dnipro

In Hebrew, the word hinuch, education, is more accurately defined as nurture. For more than three millennia, it is education based on Torah values that has been the main priority and the key to the continuation of the Jewish people. The Dnieper community has created all the conditions so that from the earliest age children are given the opportunity to gain invaluable knowledge, starting with learning the first letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

In Dnipro operates a network of kindergartens and nurseries, where kids get comprehensive development in a cozy atmosphere, comfortable conditions, being surrounded by caring and loving educators and teachers.

One of the details of life for Jewish kindergarteners is that weekly on Friday evening, 4-5 year olds proudly share at the Shabbat table with their family what they have learned during the week, culminating in presentations about the week’s chapter. Through the little messengers, their parents, grandparents, and family friends have the opportunity to touch their spiritual heritage, be inspired, and keep up with new knowledge themselves.

The community develops and supports kindergartens and nurseries and is preparing to expand this important educational network across the city.

Until 2003, the Jewish community had one full-fledged kindergarten “Ilana”, located in the very center of the city, on Gogol Street. It was very popular, and many parents who wanted to send their child to a Jewish preschool were deprived of such an opportunity. After it became clear that the city on the Dnieper clearly lacked one Jewish kindergarten, a large children’s educational center was established in 2003. It was named “Beit Zindlicht” in honor of Fani and Joseph Zindlicht. Their daughter, Sophia Iosifovna Pinchuk, actively participates in the activities of the center.
Now the garden accepts mostly children under two years old, while older children study at Beit Zindlicht.

“Beit Zindlicht” is the most modern preschool educational institution. There are more than 100 people in the center, with six groups of children from two to six years old. The “Beit Zindlicht” Center uses unique methods of preschool upbringing and education, and has a modern computer center. Much attention is paid to the linguistic and aesthetic development of children. A modern children’s health-improvement and development complex has been built for children’s active outdoor recreation.

The Jewish National Communal institution of preschool education (nursery-kindergarten) 115 of Dnipro City Council is successfully working.