This week’s Menorah Channel issue

This week, the popular YouTube channel Menorah delighted its viewers with Rabbi Kaminetsky’s treatment of the week’s chapter of the Trumah, in which he shares insightful thoughts and lessons learned from the Torah text.

The video for this week’s chapter is called “Is it harder to get married after 30? Early Marriage or Late Marriage?” and the Menorah Channel describes it as follows: “When is the best time to start a family? The Torah speaks of the “golden window” – the time when young men and women are ready for marriage, and missed opportunities can make the journey more difficult.

In this installment, Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky discusses why it is important to help young people find their match in time, how the Torah views this process, and what role parents and friends play in this.

– Why can’t you put off getting married?

– What story from the Talmud proves that sometimes you need to change plans?

– How do the Jewish people and G-d compare to intermarriage?

– What prevents young people from starting families?”.

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