In the Jewish Lyceum № 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson the thematic month “JOY-JEW”, which will be held under the motto “Joy dolayet pereshkody”, started with the beginning of the month of Adar.
“Why “JOY-JEW”? – Tatyana Sirotkina, head teacher of the lyceum, says: “We want to emphasize the importance of joy and positivity in our lives, especially in times of testing. It is joy that gives us the strength to move forward, to overcome difficulties and to find light even in the darkest moments. “JOY-JEW” will be full of colorful events, meetings and emotions”.
JOY-JEW Month started with exciting adventures in search of Joy’s treasures in the themed “Adar-Quest”, followed by a “Self-Governance Day” during which high school students will take on a teaching mission and teachers can feel like kids again.
Starting March 10, the Lyceum will host the “Tizhdan joy i beautiful”, each day of which will be dedicated to aesthetizing and decorating:
March 10 – decorating all classes
March 11 – decorating all students
March 12 – decorating class teachers
March 13 – decorating Mishloach Manot.
On the Purim holiday itself, March 14, the Lyceum will host a bright and unforgettable holiday marathon called “Mega Purim Business Fest”.
The JOY-JEW month will end with a photo flash mob “Give Usmishka”, which is scheduled for March 20.
Our website is eagerly awaiting news and inspiring photos from the month of joy at Hebrew Lyceum in honor of the month of Adar.