A review of this week’s Menorah Channel episodes

This week, the popular YouTube channel “Menorah” finally pleased its viewers with two new episodes – conversations between the Chief Rabbi of Dnipro and the region, Shmuel Kaminetsky, and his daughter Sarah.

The first video is titled “How do you realize you are being manipulated? How silence, gaslighting and compliments make you obey” and its description says: “How are we manipulated and can we resist it? Manipulation is all around us – in family, relationships, work. They are often disguised as caring, compliments or silence. In this video we’ll look at how to recognize manipulation, why ignoring is considered one of the most cruel techniques, what is gaslighting and how it destroys trust. We will also talk about how we are taught from childhood to obey other people’s expectations and whether it is possible to develop immunity to manipulation. In this video we will talk about what emotions are most often used for manipulation. You will also learn how compliments can hide hidden control, what gaslighting is, how to recognize it and what to do about it. Is it possible to resist manipulation and how to learn to say “no”? We will touch on the spiritual and psychological aspects of this topic to help you better understand yourself and others.”

The second video was titled “What sin prevents you from being happy? Honesty, debts and moral obligations” and the Menorah Channel describes it as follows: “In this video we deal with important and worrying questions: How to stop being afraid of death and is it possible to get rid of this fear at all? What to do if you have to live with your husband’s parents, and how not to lose yourself in this situation? We will also discuss how to treat enemies correctly – should you turn the other cheek or defend yourself? These and many other questions are waiting for you in this video! In this video we’ll look at when the commandment “Be fruitful and multiply” is considered fulfilled, whether alimony can be considered tzedakah, and what mistakes we make when we pray for forgiveness. In addition, we will talk about how to achieve the return of a large debt, what to do if employees work on Shabbat, and why the Lubavitcher Rebbe was never in Israel. You’ll learn the proper way to do good deeds to receive a blessing, and how to teach your children about tradition. Write in the comments: have you encountered manipulation in your life? How do you deal with them?”.

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