In Beit Zindlicht (Municipal Foundation for Preschool Education (Nursery-Kindergarten) 115 Dniprovska Miska Rady) a “Colorful Week” was held, dedicated to the study of the main spectral colors.
“Each day was dedicated to a certain color,” Malka Averbukh, a kindergarten teacher, told our website, “the children had to come dressed in clothes corresponding to the color of the day, we drank drinks from cups of this color, cut out letters and studied everything related to different colors, first of all, the children learned to distinguish and name them, because, as is known, the distinction and structuring of colors is an important cultural construct and differs in different societies.”
Monday was dedicated to various shades of red – coral, carmine, scarlet, pink and so on; Tuesday was spent in yellow and orange tones; The entire Wednesday was devoted to various shades of green, from light green to emerald; on Thursday, the children studied various variations of blue, from light blue to ultramarine and marengo, and the final day of the week, Friday, was devoted to the colors that complete the visible part of the spectrum, lilac, purple, violet.
But before they began studying colors, every morning all the groups gathered together in the common room and danced, thus setting the mood for the whole day.
Colourful Week at Beit Zindlicht