The annual “Self-Government Day” was held at the Levi Yitzchak Schneerson Jewish Lyceum No. 144 – a special day when senior students take on the responsibilities of teachers and school administration.
This year, the “Self-Government Day” was held as part of the “JOY-JEW” month, dedicated to the joy of the last, twelfth month of the Jewish calendar – the month of Adar (the counting of months in the Jewish calendar begins not with Rosh Hashanah, but with the month of Nisan).
To make the event interesting, bright and productive, the teachers of the Lyceum prepared the students for their new roles in advance. “The teachers helped the understudies understand the program in advance, gave advice and set them up for success. And you know what? Everything worked out 100%! – shared the deputy director of the Lyceum Svetlana Romenskaya. – This day gave unforgettable emotions to everyone: the students – the opportunity to try themselves in the role of teachers, and the teachers – pride in their students. It was incredibly cool!”
But not only those who changed their social role enjoyed it, but also those who remained students. “The younger students watched with delight as their older comrades turned into real teachers,” continues Svetlana Romenskaya. “And the senior students took on their new role with full responsibility and seriousness: they taught lessons, checked notebooks, and even monitored discipline! It was a wonderful day of self-government in our lyceum!”