
Annual Mahon Concert to be Held on March 24

The Dnipro Mahon “Haya-Mushka” invites all Jewish women to the grand annual Mahon concert. This year, the Mahon performance will be called “Diamonds for the Rebbe”. The start is March 24 (24 Adar), at 12:00, in the “Sinai” hall of the “Menorah” center. All Jewish women are invited!

Tomorrow is the Fast of Esther!

This year, the Fast of Esther (Taanit Esther) will be held on Thursday, March 13. As is known, the day of fasting, called the “Fast of Esther”, was introduced in honor of the three-day fast declared by Queen Esther during the time of King Ahasuerus (Ahasuerus), when the events described in Megillat Esther unfolded. Fast Tomorrow is the Fast of Esther!

Additional readings of the Book of Esther in the synagogue announced!

The Jewish community announces additional readings of the Megillat Esther in the Central Synagogue “Golden Rose” – on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon! The scroll must be listened to carefully TWICE – in the evening and in the morning! Additional reading on Thursday, March 13 – at 8:00 PM(Main reading – 6:20 PM) Additional readings Additional readings of the Book of Esther in the synagogue announced!

9 Common Purim Myths and Misconceptions

9 Common Purim Myths and Misconceptions By Menachem Posner 1. Myth: Mordechai Was Esther’s Uncle The Jewish holiday of Purim was established during the Persian exile, after the Jews had been saved from the genocidal scheming of Haman, advisor to King Achashverosh. The main heroes are Esther, the Jewish wife of the king, and her 9 Common Purim Myths and Misconceptions

Meeting with Dr. Komarovsky in Dnipro!

The Jewish community of Dnipro invites you to a unique event – a live conversation with Dr. Yevhen Komarovsky! This is a great opportunity not only to hear the famous doctor, but also to ask him your questions! Date: March 12Time: 17:00Place: Menorah Center, Sinai HallAdmission is free, registration is required at the link Meeting with Dr. Komarovsky in Dnipro!<br><br>

Torah Scroll in Honor of Alexander Fridkis Already in the Petah Tikva Synagogue!

The ceremonial completion and introduction of a new Torah Scroll, which was created in honor of Alexander Fridkis and donated by the Jewish community of Dnipro, took place in the Israeli city of Petah Tikva. This Torah Scroll was donated to the synagogue “Russian-Speaking Community of Chabad Petah Tikva”, which is headed by the Shaliach Torah Scroll in Honor of Alexander Fridkis Already in the Petah Tikva Synagogue!

Self-Government Day at the Jewish Lyceum

The annual “Self-Government Day” was held at the Levi Yitzchak Schneerson Jewish Lyceum No. 144 – a special day when senior students take on the responsibilities of teachers and school administration. This year, the “Self-Government Day” was held as part of the “JOY-JEW” month, dedicated to the joy of the last, twelfth month of the Self-Government Day at the Jewish Lyceum

Prayers and the reading of Megillat Esther in the synagogue on Purim

On the holiday of Purim, it is important to fulfill the four main mitzvot – twice, in the evening and in the morning, listen to the complete reading of the scroll of Esther, give especially generous aid to those in need (Matanot la’Evyonim), give gifts to friends (Mishloach Manot), and organize (or at least participate Prayers and the reading of Megillat Esther in the synagogue on Purim

Shabbat Candle Lighting Time

On Friday, March 14, in Dnepr, Shabbat candle lighting will be at 17:26. Shabbat Exodus on March 15 at 18:23. Weekly Chapter “Ki Tisa”, Shushan Purim.

Large Community Distribution for Purim: Gifts from JRNU

A large community distribution of gifts for the holiday of Purim has begun in Dnipro – over a thousand families are receiving holiday packages from the charitable organization JRNU (Jewish Relief Network Ukraine). In addition to these thousand Purim gifts that community members receive, an additional three hundred and fifty food packages provided by JRNU Large Community Distribution for Purim: Gifts from JRNU

Rabbi David Vaskovsky invites you to the meeting “Avot uBanim”!

Today, Monday, at 7:00 pm, the Golden Rose Synagogue will host another meeting of the Avot UBanim program – a special time for fathers and sons to study Torah together. Rabbi David Vaskovsky prepared the Sichus Rebbe for the participants to make the study interesting and inspiring. At the end of the meeting there will Rabbi David Vaskovsky invites you to the meeting “Avot uBanim”!

Colourful Week at Beit Zindlicht

In Beit Zindlicht (Municipal Foundation for Preschool Education (Nursery-Kindergarten) 115 Dniprovska Miska Rady) a “Colorful Week” was held, dedicated to the study of the main spectral colors. “Each day was dedicated to a certain color,” Malka Averbukh, a kindergarten teacher, told our website, “the children had to come dressed in clothes corresponding to the color Colourful Week at Beit Zindlicht

Superprofessional ethics lesson for mahon’s 6th grade princesses

As previously reported on our website, the Beis Chaya Mushka mahon held a big fashion contest for Shvat 22, which was won by a 6th grader Read more about this event here The main prize for winning this competition was an away master class to teach the rules of etiquette and table behavior, and now, Superprofessional ethics lesson for mahon’s 6th grade princesses

How can we properly prepare for and celebrate the holiday of Purim?

Purim is one of the most joyful holidays of the Jewish calendar – bright and beautiful, very soon – on Thursday evening, March 13 – we will begin to celebrate it, and in the Dnepr synagogue after sunset, at 18:20, the first reading of the Scroll of Esther will begin, and on Friday morning, at How can we properly prepare for and celebrate the holiday of Purim?

Happy Birthday, Alexei Markov!

The Jewish Community of Dnipro and our website warmly congratulate Alexei Mikhailovich Markov, member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community, on his Birthday