
This week, the popular YouTube channel “Menorah” finally pleased its viewers with two new episodes – conversations between the Chief Rabbi of Dnipro and the region, Shmuel Kaminetsky, and his daughter Sarah. The first video is titled “How do you realize you are being manipulated? How silence, gaslighting and compliments make you obey” and its A review of this week’s Menorah Channel episodes

The project of the Jewish Community of Dnipro “STL-STARS Dnipro”, realized with the support of STL, held an event dedicated to the ritual “Sheva Brachot”, which is held during the week for newlyweds and is a part of Jewish wedding celebrations. The “Sheva Brachot” event in the STL-STARS Dnipro program was prepared and held by “Sheva Brakhot” in the program “Stars Dnipro”

Hevra Kadisha Day is commonly celebrated in Jewish communities today, Adar 7. “Hevra Kadisha” or “Holy Brotherhood” is a special Jewish communal structure, which is responsible for the burial of deceased members of the community. In Dnipro, the Hevra Kadisha service is headed by Rabbi Shmuel Livshits. Why exactly on the 7th of Adar? There The day the “Holy Brotherhood” celebrates its feast day

This Sabbath – before the holiday of Purim – has a special significance in Judaism and is called “Shabbat Zachor”. It is very important for everyone – men, women and children – to come to the synagogue and listen to the passage “Zachor”, which means “Remember” about the crimes that Amalek and his descendants, including “Shabbat Zachor” it is very important to come to synagogue and listen to the passage about Amalek

The seventh of Adar is the birthday and yortzeit (day of death) of Moshe Rabeinu. Moshe Rabeinu was born during a very difficult time for the Jewish people, when our ancestors were slaves in Egypt. Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, learned from his court astrologers that a child was to be born, a boy, who Today, 7 Adar is the birthday and yortzeit of Moshe Rabeinu

Tonight in one of the synagogues of Petah Tikva (Israel), which is located at 4 Wolfson Street, a Torah Scroll will be brought in honor of Alexander Abramovich Fridkis, the long-time gabbai of the synagogue “Golden Rose” and the manager of the religious Jewish community of Dnipro.   This event is timed to the 7th The Torah Scroll will be unveiled today in Petah Tikvah in honor of Alexander Friedkis

Purim is approaching – a time of joy, fun and good deeds! That means it’s time to take care of the mishloach manot – traditional holiday gifts. Kosher supermarket “Kosher de Luxe” in Dnipro will gladly help you prepare the perfect gift for your family, friends and relatives! What’s in store for you at Kosher Mishloach manot on Purim – with care and comfort at Kosher de Luxe!

Our website continues to publish the weekly “Torah Life” for Bnei Noah communities in Ukraine, which is published by the Jewish Community of Dnipro, similar to the popular compilation HiTaS. Today we publish the twenty-first issue, for the week-long chapter of Ki Tisa, March 9 through March 15 – the Our website places a Weekly Torah Life for Bnei Noach congregations in Ukraine for the weekly chapter of Ki Tisa

Dnipro City Council presented the awards “Zakhisnik Vitchizna” to the Chairman of the Council of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine Rabbi Meir Tzvi Stambler and military chaplain of FEOU Yakov Sinyakov. Rabbi Stambler and Yakov Sinyakov were awarded on behalf of Mayor Boris Filatov by the Secretary of Dnipro City Council Oleksandr Sanzhara. Meir Stambler, Chairman of the FEOU Council, and Chaplain Yakov Sinyakov were honored with “Zakhisnik Vitchiznyk Vitchiznya” awards

The March issue of Shabat Shalom (386th issue on the general list) was again published in the traditional twelve-page format. The front page is devoted entirely to a piece from the DJC website, “Yud Shvat u New York,” about the yeshiva students’ trip to New York for Yud Shvat. On the second page readers can Review of the March issue of the newspaper “Shabat Shalom”

In the Jewish Lyceum № 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson the thematic month “JOY-JEW”, which will be held under the motto “Joy dolayet pereshkody”, started with the beginning of the month of Adar. “Why “JOY-JEW”? – Tatyana Sirotkina, head teacher of the lyceum, says: “We want to emphasize the importance of joy and positivity in The Jewish Lyceum is holding a thematic month “JOY-JEW”

On Rosh Chodesh Adar Dnipro Volunteer Community volunteers, operating on the basis of “Hillel” JCCC, carried out distribution of Shabbat kits for elderly people within the framework of “Shabbat to go” project. This event differed from the usual monthly deliveries within this program, because the Shabbat kits were packed in stylish eco-shoppers, which DVC volunteers Dnipro Volunteer Community organized “Shabbat to go” event on Rosh Chodesh Adar

In the Jewish kindergarten “Beit Zindlicht” cheerfully celebrated Rosh Chodesh Adar – the coming of the most cheerful month on the Jewish calendar. “In honor of Rosh Chodesh Adar, all the children came in carnival costumes, for as we know, in Adar the fun increases and everything turns for the better,” Malka Averbukh, a kindergarten Rosh Chodesh Adar in “Beit Zindlicht”