STL – STARS Dnipro is a branch of STARS Ukraine. It is an educational project for Jewish youth from 16 to 28 years old. The main activity: Torah lessons for which students receive a scholarship. In addition, we organize Jewish holidays, Shabbatons and camps for students. There are 2 types of training: basic, intensive. Basis is the basic form, 1 two-hour lesson per week. Intensive is already for more advanced and those who want to get closer to the observance of the commandments, students study 8 hours a week, receive an increased scholarship and special trips and programs, and the most successful in a trip to Europe.

Contact person: Chaya Maltseva +380 93 397 9756


DJCY – STL kids – JFuture

The project is for Jewish children from 6 to 12 years old. The main activity of the project is a class every Sunday, 4 hours of various creative and playful activities, which are invariably connected and accompanied by the study of traditions and customs of the Jewish people. And recently, the JFuture Foundation has added to these classes also unusually interesting classes from the STEAM block, i.e. interesting science, which are designed to instill in children a love of learning. In addition, we also fill every vacation with interesting events, namely day camps. The whole day the child is in the company of his Jewish friends, kosher food. Every day in the camp there are Torah lessons, master classes, a lot of games and outings. And most importantly, the safety and care of adults, while parents are doing their own things, not worrying about anything.

Contact person Adina Seldina +380957295696


DJCY – STL teens – EnerJew

A project for Jewish teenagers from 13 to 17 years old. The main activity of the project is a class every Sunday, which lasts 2 hours. During the meeting we help children to develop leadership skills, get to know more about the history and traditions of our people at interactive Torah lessons, we treat ourselves to delicious and kosher food, teenagers make interesting crafts at master classes and we regularly go to the coolest locations in our city. In addition to Sunday meetings, we hold Shabbatons (3-day weekend trips with overnight stays), trips to camps abroad, participate in various programs from our partners Enerjew, such as “madrich school” and the club “Bar/Bat Mitzvah”, as well as always cool to celebrate Jewish holidays during the year with the children and their Jewish birthdays.

We help a child become part of our larger community and grow into a true Jewish leader.

Contact Beyla Letichevska +380985285533