"Golden Rose" Central Synagogue

Chief Rabbi of Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk region Reb Shmuel Kaminetskyi
Tel. +380 56 717 70 81; 
Address: Sholom Aleichem str. 4, Dnipro

The synagogue was, is and will be the heart of the Jewish community of Dnipro. In a small synagogue on Kotsyubinskogo Street the revival of Jewish life in our city began. With the return of the Central Synagogue “Zolotaya Roza” and its opening after reconstruction, a new stage of Jewish revival began. Jewish religion, Torah – the main thing that unites all Jews, the cornerstone of all areas of work of the Jewish community. They are always welcome here, everyone is listened to attentively, supported, consoled, comforted, rejoiced together, and helped if necessary.


Community activists and Yeshiva students will readily answer questions or recommend whom to contact for the most complete answer. Every Jew who enters the synagogue on a weekday will be helped to put on tefillin, offered to take “HiTaS” and other literature, and offered Shabbat candles for women. Each day, in addition to the three daily prayers and many minyanim, the synagogue hosts Judaism classes for various age and social groups. These classes are attended by students, businessmen, academics and people from various professions.


The Jewish community of Dnipro does everything to help Jews live Torah life in accordance with Jewish tradition. Currently, a network of Beit Chabads of the community has been created and is developing throughout the city, making participation in prayer more accessible by location.

Jewish faith, Torah – the main thing that unites all Jews, the cornerstone of all areas of work of the Jewish community. Both with joy and with sorrow Jews hurry to their native home, the Beit Knesset, which translates to the House of Assembly. Here they are always welcome, here they listen attentively to everyone, support, console, rejoice together, help.

Community activists will readily answer questions or recommend whom to contact for the most complete answer. Every Jew who enters the synagogue on a weekday will be helped to put on tefillin, offered to take “HiTaS” and other literature, and a woman will be offered Shabbat candles. Each day, in addition to the three daily prayers and many minyanim, the synagogue hosts Judaism classes for various age and social groups. Students and businessmen come to these classes, as well as many members of the scientific elite, humanitarians and intellectuals.


The Jewish community of Dnipro does everything to help those who want to live a Torah life in accordance with Jewish tradition. There are stores, Kosher De Luxe, Le Silpo, Judaica, where you can buy a variety of kosher food, from bread to kosher wine for Shabbat and holidays, a variety of Jewish literature and religious paraphernalia, as well as there are cafes and restaurants, and other objects of Jewish infrastructure. Community Dnieper helps in observing all Jewish rituals, helps to organize and conduct circumcision, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, weddings.

Both male and female mikvahs operate in Dnipro.

Every year the number of products with a kosher certificate increases, the kashrut department of the Jewish Community of Dnipro monitors the strict observance of technology and production of such products.