
A woman’s mikvah, “Chaya Rivka.”

Mikvah Ladies:
Khaya Maltseva, Leya Margolina and Golda Averbukh


Dnipro, Yakov Samarskogo str. 4

Office hours:
check by phone

A man’s mikvah


Dnipro, Sholom Aleichem str. 4/26


Opening hours:
Weekdays (Sunday to Thursday):
– 06:00 to 12:00.

Friday and Eve:
– 06:00 to 10:30
– From 12:00 to 30 minutes after candle lighting.
Saturday and holidays from 06:00 to 12:00.

In addition to the mystical and symbolic aspects directly related to dipping in the mikveh, in many cases it is a matter of observing the direct laws and commandments of the Torah, to which an entire Talmudic tractate, Mikvaot, is devoted (not counting individual issues discussed in other Talmudic tractates as well).

The extraordinary importance of these laws can be inferred at least from the fact that the construction of a mikveh for the Jewish community precedes even the construction of a synagogue!

The mikveh waters are called “living water” both because a significant portion of them must necessarily come from a natural source (rainwater, melted ice, etc.), and because of their special “purifying effect” on our souls.

It is in no way about hygienic procedures and cleanliness of the body, but exclusively about ritual-spiritual actions that directly or indirectly affect the purity of the Jewish soul – both our own and the souls of our descendants.

But, of course, the purity of the soul in no way contradicts the elementary rules of hygiene and cleanliness of the body. Moreover, in a beautiful, comfortable, modern mikveh, all conditions are created to create a comfortable, cozy and, one might even say, romantic atmosphere for performing such an important commandment as dipping in the mikveh.