Sohnu-Ukraine Branch provided information on the holiday for children ages 6-17 and their parents, which was dedicated to the New Year of Trees.
In the information sent to our website by Oleksandra Kotok, director of the non-formal education department of Sokhnut-Ukraine branch, it is said: “The participants of the event were treated to a neumovirny master class. Fathers made compositions of live flowers and learned interesting facts about the saint. Participants of 6-17 years old together with madrikhas talked about ecology and New Year’s Eve, and also decorated cachepots for plants using recycled materials.
At the end of the holiday, fathers together with their children planted homegrown plants in cachepots, which symbolized the fulfillment of one of the most important customs of the holiday – to plant a tree.
Of course, we were not left without nice family photos, all those who wanted to make nice pictures together in the thematic photo zone”.