A rare autograph of the Lubavitcher Rebbe – a check and a letter of blessing – has been put up for sale

Jewish auction house Genazym announced that a rare autograph of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem-Mendel Schneerson – a check for $18 and an accompanying letter of blessing signed by the Rebbe and with his handwritten notes – is up for sale.
It is especially emphasized that the check and letter are dated 18 Elul 5751 (August 20, 1991), which gives these artifacts a special significance, because 18 in Jewish tradition corresponds to the word “Hai”, i.e. “life”, and 18 Elul (Hai Elul) is the birthday of the great Alter Rebbe (Rabi Shneur-Zalman of Lyad, the First Rebbe of Chabad and author of the book “Taniyah”), as well as the Founder of the entire Hasidic movement Rabi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov (BeShta). Thus, both the nominal amount and the date take on special significance.
It is also stated that the check and letter are in very good condition and the Rebbe’s autographs from this period are rare. The starting price is set at $8,000, but Genazym predicts that the final value of the offered rarities will be between $10,000 and $20,000 (our site believes that it would be very symbolic if the $18 check from 18 Elul is sold for $18,000).
You can read more about the auction and its terms and conditions here.

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