In the Jewish Lyceum № 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson for pupils of junior and middle classes during a week the game “Interland” on safe stay in a network was conducted.
The event was timed to coincide with February 11 – International Safer Internet Day, which is dedicated to increasing digital literacy, awareness of risks in the online environment and building a culture of responsible Internet use.
“We are convinced that digital literacy is a key skill for success in today’s world, and the game in primary and secondary schools is just one of the many tools we use to help our students become responsible and knowledgeable Internet users, – Svetlana Romenskaya, deputy director of the lyceum, told our website, – in our Jewish lyceum teachers of informatics Olena Romanyukha and Olga Borysenko will conduct for pupils of 2-8 grades an online game “Interland”, developed by Google. “Interland” is not just a game, it is an interactive world where children will learn to recognize and uniquely deal with online threats, protect their personal information and behave respectfully on the Internet”.