The popular family Torah study program Avot UBanim (Fathers and Sons) continues to actively operate in 2025 in two locations.
“It is very important that father and sons study Torah together, and that this be not sporadic, but regular, at least once a week at a specially designated time,” explains the organizer of the program, Rabbi David Vaskovsky. “Even if dad goes to Torah classes for adults, and the children study sacred texts at school or yeshiva, this is not enough. It is very important that there be a specific time when father and son put everything aside and study Yiddishkeit together. It is very important that this time be constant, recurring, that it be fixed and become a psychologically important ritual, which has a very big impact on the right family atmosphere.”
It was precisely in order to create the best conditions for such study of the Torah by fathers together with their sons that the “Avot uBanim” program was created in the Jewish community of Dnepr in 2016. Classes are held on Mondays – in the central synagogue “Golden Rose” between the Mincha and Maariv prayers, and in the boarding school for boys on European Street at 19:00.
For more information, call: +38 (063) 14 54 204, David.