The fifth grade of the Levi-Yitzhak Schneerson Jewish Lyceum No. 144 held an educational hour dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. This educational hour was called “Being healthy is fashionable!” and was associated with the upcoming World Health Day, which is celebrated on April 7.
“5th grade students, together with their class teacher, discussed what health is, what its components are – physical, mental and social well-being,” says the head teacher of the lyceum, Tatyana Sirotkina. “The children actively participated in a quiz, where they demonstrated their knowledge of the rules of a healthy lifestyle. They discussed the importance of proper nutrition, physical activity, daily routine, as well as the harmful effects of overexertion and excessive computer use.”
But special attention at this educational hour was paid to the topic of household injuries and rules of conduct at school to avoid accidents. The children realized that health is not only the absence of diseases, but also a harmonious combination of physical, mental and social well-being.
The event was held thanks to the support of the Jewish community of Dnipro.