Happy Birthday to Tzvi Hirsch (Gennady Borisovich) Bogolyubov, President of the Jewish Community of Dnipro!

Today, on the 15th of Shvat, the holiday Tu Bi Shvat, the President of the Jewish Community of Dnipro, Tzvi Hirsch (Gennady Borisovich) Bogolyubov, celebrates his birthday!
In prayers of this day Jews not only in Dnipro, but also in many communities of the world, will read in honor of the President of the Jewish community of our city the 64th Psalm from the book “Tehillim” and wish him happiness, health for many years, good luck in all his good deeds, as well as happiness and good luck to all members of his family.
It is highly symbolic that the birthday of the Jewish leader Reb Tzvi Hirsch Bogolyubov falls on Tu Bi Shvat, the symbol of the renewal of nature and the beginning of a new stage of its life.
The Jewish community of Dnipro heartily wishes Tzvi Hirsch (Gennady Borisovich) Bogolyubov good health and long years of fruitful work for the benefit of the Jewish people.
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Mazel Tov!
We cite Psalm 64 in the Russian translation of R. Dov-Ber Haskielewicz.


(1) To the Leader. Psalm of David.
(2) Hear, O G-d, my voice when I speak; from terror (before) the enemy guard my life.
(3) Hide me from the counsel of the wicked, from the noise of those who do iniquity,
(4) Those who have sharpened their tongue like a sword, have strained their arrow – a word of evil,
(5) To shoot at the pure in secret; suddenly they shoot at him and are not afraid;
(6) Establishing themselves in evil intent, conferring (to) hide the nets, saying, Who will see them?
(7) Looking for fault, making investigation after investigation – both within the person and in the heart, deep!
(8) But G-d struck them with an arrow, suddenly they were wounded.
(9) And their own tongue made them stumble, shake (their heads) all those who see them.
(10) And all men shall be terrified, and shall proclaim G-d’s deed, and shall understand His works.
(11) And the righteous shall rejoice in the L-rd, and shall find refuge in Him, and all the upright shall be glorified.