On the eve of Yud Shvat, it is customary to write a letter to the Rebbe with requests for blessings. It is all the more important to do so before Yud Shvat, the 75th anniversary of the key event of Jewish life in our generation – the day of the departure of the previous Sixth Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, and the assumption of the title of Rebbe by Rabbi Menachem-Mendel Schneerson.
This year it is important to write a letter to the Rebbe BEFORE the day of Yud Shvat, which falls on Shabbat (otherwise it can only be done after the end of Shabbat). It is advisable to make a good resolution to fulfill a commandment or increase in Torah study, chassidut and donations to good causes before writing the letter. This decision can be written about in the letter. Anyone can write a letter to the Rebbe, regardless of age, nationality or religion.
When asking for a blessing for oneself or anyone else, one should write the person’s name (Jewish name, if he/she has one) and his/her mother’s name. For a non-Jew, it is customary to mention the name of the father rather than the mother. The letter may be written in any language.
Thanks to modern technology, it is very easy to send a letter through the online form: https://www.ohelchabad.org/templates/articlecco_cdo/aid/78453/jewish/Send-A-Letter-Online.htm or
to e-mail: [email protected]