Inspiration before Yud Shvat: video with the Lubavitcher Rebbe

In anticipation of the special day – the day of the passing of the Previous Sixth Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, and the assumption of the title of Rebbe by Rabbi Menachem-Mendel Schneerson – our website is pleased to publish an inspiring video of the Head of our generation.

This unique footage, presented by JEM – Jewish Educational Media, allows us to touch the Rebbe’s living legacy and hear his words filled with light, faith and love for all the Jewish people.

In this video, the Rebbe addresses yeshiva students and all Hasidim, urging them to intensify their studies and self-improvement before this special day. May these words be a source of inspiration for us, strengthen us in our spiritual journey and prepare us for Yud Shvat.