The International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos (International Women’s Forum of the Lubavitch Rebbe’s Messengers in New York) is full of events – lectures, trainings, classes, fairs, exchange of experience and methodological developments. However, among the multitude of these events we can single out several key ones, in which representatives of the Jewish Community of Dnipro became active participants.
Attending the Rebbe’s and Rebbetznah’s ohel is a profound spiritual experience, for each envoy continues the holy work begun by the Rebbe, brings the light of Yiddishkayt and Hasidism to the world, and brings here a message from her communities with a prayer and a request for blessing. The thousands of envoys who came to the ohel signed the PAN, the text of which was read by the British representative, and then laid messages from their communities on the ohel.
An important element of Kinus is the common photograph of the envoys, who this year represented more than six thousand congregations from one hundred and eleven countries around the world. The photo was taken against the backdrop of the center of the Lubavitcher movement, the legendary Seventh Avenue Synagogue on East Park Street in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
Another key event of Kinus is the meal at the end of Shabbat – Melave Malka. The theme of this year’s meal was “Unity in Sisterhood” and numerous speeches emphasized that each messenger is never alone, that she is in a constant, unbreakable bond with other messengers, and that this bond should be strengthened and maintained through solidarity and mutual support, no matter how far apart the messengers are physically. Special attention was paid to messengers whose communities are in dangerous and difficult situations for various reasons, and examples were given of the mutual support that each family of messengers has received in difficult personal or social situations. Special attention was paid to what is happening in the Holy Land, with prayers for the speedy release of the hostages and the complete liberation of the entire people of Israel from the hardships of the galut with the coming of the righteous Mashiach.