In the Jewish Lyceum № 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson for pupils of the middle and high school was organized an exciting two-day intellectual adventure called “Naukova Vitalnya”.
For two days, students from fifth through eleventh grades visited five stations on a schedule, during breaks, where various intellectual challenges, puzzles, rebuses, virtual journeys and creative games awaited them.
“In our lyceum there was held a long term “Science Vitalnya”, which became a real holy day for all those who want to know and discover, – Tatyana Sirotnika, the head teacher of the Jewish Lyceum, told our website, – during 25-26th of July the lyceum students had an opportunity to enter the exciting world of science, having visited various locations:
“Mathematical challenges”, where the participants were offered interesting tasks, puzzles and non-standard math games, which helped to develop logical thinking.
“Biologichni tsikavinki” was filled with creative rebuses and tasks.
“Chemistry Abetka” opened the possibility to visualize chemical elements in a new way.
At the location “Physical distances” there was a spirit of competition and scientific search.
And “Geography Mandrivka” asked participants to go on a virtual journey around the world, the way to which was to be laid with their own knowledge and intellect”.
The program “Science Village”, which was prepared and conducted by Tatyana Sirotkina, was very much liked by the students, teachers and administration of the Jewish Lyceum and was highly appreciated by the management: “The “Science Vitalnya” became not only a source of new knowledge, but also a wonderful opportunity for communication and exchange of experience, – emphasized the director of the Jewish Lyceum Elena Krasnova, – all participants got a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable feuds. I thank all those who helped to organize and conduct this wonderful event!