The Beis Chaya Mushka mahon has begun active preparations for the holiday of Purim, which will be celebrated at the end of next week – from the evening of Thursday, March 13 to the beginning of Shabbat on March 14.
As part of the preparations for Purim, every day the Mahon hosts different activities, so, for example, on the first day of the pre-Purim marathon the girls received a surprise trip to the “Fly Kids” children’s entertainment center, where for three hours they were able to jump on a trampoline, swing on swings, go on various quests and participate in many other fun experiences, which were prepared for them by Esther and Hana Stambler and Havi Karelenstein.
The next day a surprise for the girls was an event called “Aquagrim Day”, in which with the help of teachers or independently the girls could decorate themselves with any drawings, which very much raised their mood and pleased those around them.
“This is just an incredible preparation for Purim,” Amora Shayna Smilansky told our website, “there are many events ahead that will help our girls in training to increase in joy, as they should in the month of Adar. We are preparing for Purim and we are sure that everything will turn only for the better!”.