Review of the March issue of the newspaper “Shabat Shalom”

The March issue of Shabat Shalom (386th issue on the general list) was again published in the traditional twelve-page format.

The front page is devoted entirely to a piece from the DJC website, “Yud Shvat u New York,” about the yeshiva students’ trip to New York for Yud Shvat.

On the second page readers can familiarize with the review of video addresses of the Chief Rabbi of Dnipro Shmuel Kaminetsky to weekly chapters of Torah, and also with notes about Women’s Kinus 5785 and about birthday of unique House for elderly people of Jewish community “Beit Baruch”.

On the third page there is a material “Zuestrichaemos offline” about the work of the Day Center of the Charitable Foundation “Chesed Menachem” and about the city Hackathon held in the Jewish Lyceum of our city.

There are several short notes on page four: about preparing for Yud Shvat at the Jewish Home Project and an online class for women; about preparing for Tu Bi Shvat at the JBBBS program and the BeYahad weekend school; and about a meeting at the Batkivska Akademia project.

The fifth page is devoted to an interview with Rimma Aronova, Rector of the Beit Hana State Pedagogical Institute.

Page Six has a great piece on the Tikkun Olam Project’s New Year of Trees holiday class.

The seventh page is devoted entirely to an interview with Rabbi Reuven Kaminetsky, under the heading “Dovgoochikuvanny”, prepared by Igor Manevich.

On the eighth page is a text version of the conversation between Chief Rabbi of Dnipro Shmuel Kaminetsky and his daughter Sara, the video of which is published by the YouTube channel “Menorah”.

On the ninth page there is a story “Їh ne vryatuvali” about the tragedy of the Bibas family.

On the tenth page is “Three Hebrew Gratzes in the poetry of the Italian Baroque” by Nikolai Bulanyi and a short note “The School of Madrich” by Natalia Bulgarina.

The eleventh page contains a historical material by Alexander Bystryakov dedicated to bacteriologist, immunologist and epidemiologist Vladimir Khavkin.

The twelfth page of the edition traditionally includes congratulations, announcements, obituary, and instead of the section “Humor”, the newspaper published sayings of Jewish sages.

You can read the full paper at this link: