“Shabbat Zachor” it is very important to come to synagogue and listen to the passage about Amalek

This Sabbath – before the holiday of Purim – has a special significance in Judaism and is called “Shabbat Zachor”. It is very important for everyone – men, women and children – to come to the synagogue and listen to the passage “Zachor”, which means “Remember” about the crimes that Amalek and his descendants, including Haman in the days of King Ahashverosh, and all the “Hamans” in other generations, did to the Jewish people.

Listening to the passage “Zachor” is the fulfillment of the commandment of the Torah – “Remember (Zachor) what Amalek did to you”, as well as the injunction “Erase the memory of Amalek in the world under Heaven – do not forget”. The passage “Zahor” is read after the weekly chapter of the Torah before “haftorah”, in which a passage is read from the book “Prophet Shmuel” about the king Shaul, who gave up the demand of G-d regarding the descendant of Amalek, king Hagog, from whose family Aman later originated.

Listening to the Zachor passage during Shacharit morning prayers in synagogue on the Saturday before the holiday of Purim is very important and this obligation applies to both men and women.

The Shacharit prayer this Saturday will begin at Golden Rose Central Synagogue at 10:00 a.m., with the Torah reading, Zachor passage and haftorah reading at approximately 11:00 a.m.

The Jewish community of Dnipro encourages everyone to come to the synagogue for the reading of the passage “Zachor”.