Theatricalized preparation for Purim in yeshiva ktana

In the Dnieper yeshiva named after Rabbi Levi Yitzhak Schneerson an event dedicated to the preparation for the holiday of Purim was held.

The event was dedicated to the fun of the month of Adar and a reminder of the importance of the main four Purim commandments, which the children had to remember and embody in a theatrical performance. It was based on a cartoon in which a ratchet was lost. Suddenly the cartoon was interrupted and the children were asked to prepare and perform skits on the theme “What happened next?”.

The children were divided into four teams and, under the guidance of their captains, prepared and performed skits in which the commandments of Purim helped them to find the ratchet. For example, the team led by Rabbi Moishe Listengurt chose as its magic helper “gomentashen”, which symbolized the festive meal. Another team, led by Rabbi Akiva Romanovsky, presented the finding of the ratchet with the help of “Megilat Esther”; and “Mishloach Manot” was the key helper in finding the cherished object for Rabbi Mendel Marinovsky’s team. The fourth team, with Rabbi Levi Engelsman, found the cherished ratchet using the commandment of “helping the needy” (tzdoka). After four such different skits, whose participants arrived at the same result in such different ways, the event continued with fun dances and a large Farbrengen study, which was also part of the preparation for the upcoming Purim holiday.