In the Jewish Lyceum № 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson for the first time was held a multi-subject Olympiad for elementary school students, which was called “Umnikus-2025”.
“The Umnikus Olympiad is a unique opportunity for little minds to show their knowledge, smartness and talent in various disciplines,” Svetlana Romenskaya, head teacher of the lyceum, told our website, – such a yearly Olympiad will become a bright event that will not only develop interest in learning, but also give the participants the joy of discovery, new feelings and good mood! This is a real prize, which is exciting, gives unforgettable emotions and a charge of positivity, victory over oneself – this is what makes such competitions really exciting!
This year’s multi-subject Olympiad included such disciplines as: English and Ukrainian languages, mathematics, computer science, “I Doslidzhuu world” and traditions of the Jewish people. Young Olympians were warmly welcomed by the director of the Jewish Lyceum Elena Krasnova, who wished everyone great success and pleasure from intellectual competitions.