“Week of Jewish Traditions” in the Jewish Lyceum

In the Jewish Lyceum № 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson a series of events, united in the “Week of Jewish traditions”, held in preparation for the day of Yud Shvat, was completed.

Svetlana Romenskaya, head teacher of the Jewish Lyceum, told our website about the details: “The Jewish Traditions Day has become a real holy day of knowledge, culture and unity. During the whole week lyceum students had an opportunity to enter the rich world of Jewish history, traditions and customs. On Monday there was an exciting quest “Jewish Holidays”, during which the participants were able to test their knowledge of Jewish holidays and learn a lot of new and interesting things. The quest was held in a fun and friendly atmosphere, contributing to the strengthening of team spirit and deepening interest in Jewish culture.

Tuesday was dedicated to the photo marathon “My Jewish Lyceum”, which became a wonderful opportunity for students to demonstrate their love for the lyceum and creative approach to photography.

On Wednesday, the quest “Our Wise Men” was held, during which the lyceum students were able to ponder over the wise mentoring of sages by solving encrypted aphorisms of famous spiritual leaders.

The fourth day was marked by introducing children to the world of Jewish literature. Here everyone and everyone of the students could take a picture of their home library and take a picture of books. A book exhibition in the lyceum added to this literary extravaganza.

And the logical conclusion of Tizhnya was the Sabbath quiz “Queen of Sabbath”, the participants of which, solving puzzles, rebuses, putting puzzles, were able not only to check their knowledge about the attributes and meaning of the Sabbath, but also to compete in teams.

The “Jewish Traditions Day” was an unforgettable experience for all participants. The activities of the day contributed to deepening knowledge about Jewish culture, strengthening friendship and cooperation between students and teachers.

We thank all those who participated in the “Tizhni Jewish Traditions”! Special thanks to Tetyana Sirotkiniy, Deputy Director, who prepared and organized the events within Tizhni.