The topic of the next lesson in the educational project of the Jewish community of Dnepr for women “Jewish House”, which operates under the leadership of Rebbetzin Chana Kaminezka and under the sensitive care of the curator of the program of the emissary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Tzipora Nachshon, was the preparation for the anniversary Yud Shvat – the 75th anniversary of the key event in the Jewish life of our generation – the day of the departure of the Previous Sixth Rebbe, Rabbi Joseph Yitzchak, and the assumption of the title of Rebbe by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
The lesson, which took place in the conference hall of the administrative building of the central synagogue complex “Golden Rose”, discussed the weekly Torah portion, as well as, as our sages established, the story of the prophetess Dvora and the importance of preparing for Shabbat Yud Shvat and studying the holy texts associated with them. The teacher and initiator of the project, Chaya Prasolova, revealed these topics in detail for the participants who came to this lesson.
After the lesson, there was an excursion to Barrikadnaya Street, 15, where the father of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, lived, with a story about the amazing history associated with this house and the preservation of a historically important artifact – its front doors. The project participants learned about how the reconstruction of the house took place and how these doors were not only preserved, but became part of a special exhibition.
“We started preparing for Yud Shvat and studied the topic of Shabbat that precedes it,” Chaya Prasolova told our website. “All the participants really enjoyed the tour and everyone was very impressed with how they managed to preserve part of the historic building, which is now marked with a special memorial plaque.”