Jewish Lyceum No. 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson hosted a trial National Multidisciplinary Test NMT (analog of the former STE) on the basis of the platform of the Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets.
“The test gave an opportunity to education teachers to evaluate their own level of preparation, to see the gaps in knowledge and to try to eliminate them before the beginning of the main session of the NMT, thus improving their results, – Svetlana Romenskaya, the head teacher of the Jewish Lyceum, told our website, – we thank the Head of Kharkiv National Economic University named after Semyon Kuznets and the Directorate of Education of the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the DMR for giving us this opportunity.
The Jewish Community of Dnieper and our website also joins all the thanks to the KHNEU and the Department of Education of DGP DMR and the Lyceum administration and wishes all the graduates high results at this year’s NMT.