
Coordinator – Deputy Secretary of the Beit Din – Rabbi Yitzhak Karshenbaum

[email protected]

Tel. +38 050 342 19 68

Address: Dnipro, Sholom Aleichem str. 4

Giyur is the process of accepting Judaism.

In Judaism, there is a concept called conversion. It is a process of conversion to Judaism that is required for people who have made a serious decision that the precepts of Judaism and Jewish religious practice are the best fit for them, both spiritually and in terms of lifestyle.

Conversion is not only a ritual, but also a long educational and spiritual process involving a fundamental change in the life of the conversion applicant. In order to begin the conversion process, an initial application to the rabbinical court, which opens each applicant’s file, is required. The conversion applicant then begins his or her journey with a mentor and under the supervision of the head of the conversion department.

There is no exact time frame for conversion. It all depends on the motivation, success and degree of responsibility of the approach to this process. When, in the opinion of the tutors, the person is ready, he comes to the rabbinical court for a meeting. It is the rabbinical court that decides whether the applicant for conversion should continue his studies, or whether he is ready to commit himself to the Torah’s precepts.