
Today, on 22 Shvat, the Jewish world remembers Rebbetzn Hayu-Mushka Schneerson, a woman whose modesty concealed true greatness and whose selfless support became the foundation for the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s mission. Staying behind the scenes, she inspired and empowered her husband, allowing him to devote himself fully to Hasidim and the entire Jewish people. Only after her passing did it become apparent how significant her role was and what an irreparable loss her passing was

The annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos (International Forum of Women Messengers of the Lubavitch Rebbe) opened in Brooklyn (New York, USA) to coincide with the yortzeit day of the Righteous Rebbe Hai-Mushka Schneerson, wife of the Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem-Mendel Schneerson and daughter of the Sixth Rebbe HaBaDa Yosef-Yitzhak Schneerson.

The first day of the city Hackathon took place in the Jewish Lyceum No. 144 named after Levi-Itzhak Schneerson. The teams of Lyceums No. 67, No. 97, No. 111, Gymnasiums No. 74 and No. 128, as well as the team of the Jewish Lyceum of Dnipro are taking part in the event. The event was called “STEAM HACKATHON”

Happy birthday, Leah Karshenbaum!

The Jewish community of Dnipro and our website sincerely congratulate Leah Karshenbaum, an activist of the Jewish community’s women’s movement, the wife of the secretary of the Rabbinical Court of Avraham Yosef Yitzhak Karshenbaum, on her birthday.

Tu Bi Shvat for teens and students

Jewish Student Cultural Center “Hillel” organized Tu Bi Shvat celebration for students, participants of Dnipro Volunteer Community and teenage club “Shahar Solomonika”. The event was called “To be eco” and had a pronounced ecological character

Students of the International Humanitarian-Pedagogical Institute “Beit Hana” held a celebration of Tu Bi Shvat – the New Year of Trees – on the basis of the psychological support center “Or Shalom”, working in the structure of the YCC “Solomonika”, with the support of “Joint Ukraine”

Prayer schedule for February 17-23

The Central Synagogue “Golden Rose” informs about the starting time of prayers for the period from February 17 to 23, which will be held in the main prayer hall. Address of the synagogue: Sholom Aleichem Street, 4

In the Jewish Lyceum of Dnieper #144 named after Levi-Itzhak Schneerson the holiday Tu Bi Shvat – the New Year of Trees – has a long and wonderful tradition, established by the first head teachers of this educational institution – Larisa Anatolievna Kurylenko, Maria Godeevna Borisonnik and Anna Yakovlevna Kaplunskaya

Or Shalom” Psychological Assistance Center, working within the structure of YCC “Solomonika”, with the support of “Joint Ukraine”, started a new special program for middle-aged men. The initiative is aimed at creating a space of psychological comfort where men can discuss issues of concern to them and receive professional psychological support