
The Jewish Community of Dnipro and our website are pleased to congratulate two members of our community, congregants of the Golden Rose Synagogue, who have entered into the Covenant of Abraham! One of them took the Hebrew name Eliyahu, the other Moishe, taking an important and conscious step toward spiritual growth and connection to the Mazel Tov! Congratulations on joining the Abrahamic Covenant!

In Ukraine, with the organizational support of the State Agency of Ukraine for Arts and Art Education, the first meeting of the new Sholom Aleichem Prize Committee took place. There were 14 applications for the 2025 Sholom Aleichem Prize. At this meeting, an open vote of the committee members determined this year’s winner and two The winner of the Sholom Aleichem Prize has been determined

The Museum “The Memory of the Jewish People and the Holocaust in Ukraine” has published excerpts from the diary of Vladimir Gelfand, our fellow countryman, a famous teacher who kept a diary from his youth throughout his life and who is one of the outstanding examples of the diary of an “ordinary man” from World The Jewish Museum has for the first time published new excerpts from the famous diary of Vladimir Gelfand

The Jewish community of Dnipro and our website sincerely wish a happy birthday to Hana Nevenchena, an activist of the Jewish community’s women’s movement who participates in many events and classes. Today, on 3 Adar, Ms. Khana celebrates her Jewish birthday. The Jewish community of Dnipro and our website wish Chana good health, success, and Happy birthday, Khan Khan Nevenchena!

Jewish Lyceum No. 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson hosted a trial National Multidisciplinary Test NMT (analog of the former STE) on the basis of the platform of the Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets. “The test gave an opportunity to education teachers to evaluate their own level of preparation, to see the gaps A trial NMT was held at the Jewish Lyceum

The Jewish community of Dnipro, the Charitable Foundation “Hesed Menachem” and our website sincerely congratulate Leonid Moiseevich Livshits, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish community, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Charitable Foundation “Hesed Menachem”, on his birthday! Today, on 2 Adar, Mr. Livshits celebrates his Jewish birthday. For Happy birthday, Leonid Moiseevich Livshits!

Dnipro Volunteer Community project operating on the basis of Hillel JCC initiated and conducted the first round of Jewish Game marathon. As the first round was held in February, its theme was the month of Shvat and its central holiday, the New Year of Trees. The participants of the first game were wards of the First round of the Jewish Game project by Dnipro Volunteer Community

The new issue of KhITAs for the week of March 2-8 is available in the KhITAs section of our website. Attention! “HITAS” in PDF format for direct viewing – “KhyTaS” for downloading in the archive (RAR format) Please note! Our website only hosts the files sent to it, and STL (Shiur Torah Lubavitch New issue of HITAS on our website! Chapter “Tetsave”

The Jewish community of Dnipro and our website sincerely congratulate Zvi Hirsch Vinogradov, one of the activists of the Jewish community, on his birthday. He celebrated his birthday on Shabbat, 1 Adar. The Jewish community of Dnipro and our website wish Tzvi Hirsch happiness, health, success, and fruitful work for the benefit of all Jews, Happy birthday, Zvi Hirsch Vinogradov!

This week, the popular YouTube channel Menorah delighted its viewers with Rabbi Kaminetsky’s treatment of the week’s chapter of the Trumah, in which he shares insightful thoughts and lessons learned from the Torah text. The video for this week’s chapter is called “Is it harder to get married after 30? Early Marriage or Late Marriage?” This week’s Menorah Channel issue

In the Jewish Lyceum № 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson for pupils of the middle and high school was organized an exciting two-day intellectual adventure called “Naukova Vitalnya”. For two days, students from fifth through eleventh grades visited five stations on a schedule, during breaks, where various intellectual challenges, puzzles, rebuses, virtual journeys and creative “Naukova Vitalnya” – intellectual adventure in the Jewish Lyceum

The Jewish Community of Dnipro and our website are pleased to congratulate Chief Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky and his wife, Rebbetzn Hana, on their 36th wedding anniversary! We wish the Kaminetsky family happiness, joy, family prosperity, peace and love for many, many years, and may their children and grandchildren bring them much happiness and joy, and Mazel Tov, Shmuel and Hana Kaminetsky! Happy wedding anniversary

In the Jewish Lyceum № 144 named after Levy-Itzhak Shneerson for the first time was held a multi-subject Olympiad for elementary school students, which was called “Umnikus-2025”. “The Umnikus Olympiad is a unique opportunity for little minds to show their knowledge, smartness and talent in various disciplines,” Svetlana Romenskaya, head teacher of the lyceum, told “Umnikus” – for the first time in a Jewish lyceum.

The JBBBS program continues to delight its participants with new meetings filled with fun, communication and pleasant moments. This time the guys decided to pay tribute to winter and went to the Avalanche entertainment center for bright impressions. Snow-covered slopes, speed, joyful laughter – tubing became a real holiday. No one was afraid of the Vivid emotions and winter adventures in the JBBBS program

Our website continues to publish the weekly “Torah Life” for Bnei Noah communities in Ukraine, which is published by the Jewish Community of Dnipro, similar to the popular compilation HiTaS. Today we publish the twentieth installment, for the week-long chapter of Tetzaveh, March 2 through March 8 – the Our website places a pdf-version Weekly Torah Life for Bnei Noach communities in Ukraine for the weekly chapter of Tetzaveh